The fact that this is happening is undeniable. However, for a few paragraphs, I want to talk about why it’s happening.“Out-of-the-box thinkers…resilient…resourceful…able to withstand significant hardship in pursuit of a better future…creators/visionaries…the minority…loved and hated for just being themselves…used to needing to prove their value to others”
These words describe ENTREPRENEURS.
However, these words also describe BLACK WOMEN.
These words describe YOU.
Despite the fact that the traits vital to successful entrepreneurship are also natural to women of color, historically ownership and entrepreneurship have been dominated by white males. Of course, this is not because they make for better entrepreneurs. After all…they are the majority, loved by most, and as a group they don’t have to prove their value to anyone in our society.
It’s because systemically and socially, white males have been granted a louder and stronger voice in our world.
However, in the new global economy in which we live, online platforms such as Periscope and Blab are leveling the playing field for women “CreatHERS” of color and we can now capitalize on what comes natural. They are allowing the world to see and hear us unfiltered and unscripted. They are allowing our variability, greatness, and creative genius to flow without restraint.
Given this fact, I encourage each of you to not sleep on your natural inclination for success in a creative space.
In my experience with helping beautiful women of color to process their hurts and challenges in order to use them to create the life they want, many times they didn’t see that whether they decide to tap into it or not, they have all the ingredients for success written into their melanin-infused DNA.
Well before we were physically free as black women, we learned how to use our minds to create and envision what we could not yet manifest.
Well before we were paid any coins for our brilliance, we knew we had limitless value.
Well before we saw sacrifice pay off in the end, we trusted and believed that it would.
So don’t sleep on your potential. Get busy working on healing what ails you, learning about yourself, and sharing your creative genius.
Don’t sleep on yourself my fellow creative of color, because the rest of the world is finally waking up.